Monday, 7 November 2011

Music Magazine - Research - NME Interview

NME Interview

What do you think about using black and white image shots on and in a music magazine?
You should be careful when using black and white images, they can make it look as though they are old pictures and when looking at a newish band/artist is probably beneficial if you do not use them.

What do you think of when someone asks you to make a magazine front cover?
Think of the front cover as an advert. You need to use the use of colours and images to entice the audience in and buy the magazine. We, at NME, view the front cover as a visual communication.

What should the main image on the front cover look like?
Normally, when we choose an image for the front cover, we make sure that the heads are quite big so that they catch the audience's attention. Also, we almost always make the artist/band have eye contact with the camera which communicates with the viewer personally.

What else should be included on the front cover?
Make sure that the page is interesting to look at in terms of colours and maybe two or three different fonts. It should also have some selling points like free posters or gig alerts to draw the viewer in. Sometimes, in NME, we put a picture and a caption of other big stories at the top to show that there is more in the magazine and create more and different audience tastes.

What do you think a good logo should look like and include?
It should be simple and to the point. Make it bold to catch the viewers eye and make sure you position it in the best way that you can it see it with the image there as well.

What do you think about colour schemes?
A colour scheme should be carried the whole way through the magazine and especially with music ones as red, black and white are normally rock(ish) colours representing the genre.

When writing a magazine feature article, what should you be thinking about and including?
You should always know who your target audience is so that you can communicate to the readers for them to understand and relate to. The images and colours should also reflect the target audience. Quotes are important to use in a feature article, they personalise the artist/band and make the reader feel informed and involved in what they are thinking. They are also used to break up the text. The use of different colours of text and font break up the text, however the body text and the box outs are always different fonts. Box outs are very good to include as they give the audience something short and interesting to read, they are also for those who do not want to read the whole article. You should always set a tone and a mood for the article for the reader to get an incite to where the writing is heading and what is happening.


What do you consider when planning out a photoshoot?
You have to make sure that you can photograph the artist/band you want to use for the weeks feature. You have to also figure out what you are trying to say about the artist which you can relate to what the image looks like in terms of facial expressions, make-up, hair and clothes/style. Make sure to do some sketches beforehand so that you know what you are trying to do.

What should you do after the deciding of the images to be taken?
You must come up with some pitches to give to the artist/band to get them interested and make sure that when taking the images you know that as well as trying to pull the readers attention in, you should pull the band/artist in with your ideas too. Always know what you are going to do at the photoshoot before you get there to prevent awkwardness and stalling. Decide what colour you are going to shoot on and try and communicate what you are trying to show with it. Try not to shoot on black.

What else should you do at the photoshoot?
You have to make sure that the picture goes with everything, so shoot a lot and prepare a lot for all the images you will be taking. Prepare but also have options, meaning that the band/artist may not want do go with your idea so make sure to have a couple of back ups just incase. Also, make sure that they are wearing the same-ish clothes the whole way out as it looks better and looks as a part of a set and the same story. The processing needs to look the same the whole way through and the overall theme needs to keep going throughout. Make sure that you know where the best places you are to stand for the photos that give good effects.

What else should you do with the article and box outs?
Always link from the box out to the feature to prevent confusion for the reader. Using silly questions make the article up beat and fun which can entice the people in.

Myself and my media class went to see NME offices in London where we asked questions to the graphics and layout staff. From this I have learnt a lot about what to put and include on my music magazine and what not to include. I also learnt about photoshoots and key elements in a main feature. I now have the knowledge to write my article and make the magazine.

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