Not even four weeks ago, Kat Wild was living the silent life as the sister of Luke Wild, the lead guitarist in the band;' Manic To Heaven'. Traveling with the band around the country and giving backstage support to the crazy five, Kat managed to spring into the world of monstrous fame after singing at the O2 Arena in London as the band where getting ready to perform at their sell out gig. As if the supporting acts weren't good enough, over a thousand people where there to witness the 17 year olds amazing voice belting out lyrics, capturing the eyes, ears and hearts of every rock music lover out there. Here, BANDTA gets the first ever exclusive into the hectic world of Kat Wild only a couple days after her first ever single release.
“I've been thrown into a world that I had only ever been back stage to, and let me tell you, the feeling is good,” She giggles.
“I was just aimlessly standing outside the 'Manic to Heaven'' dressing room on the 18th October, waiting for them to get their arses moving. It was minutes before they were due to go on the stage to perform at their own concert, and they were taking their sweet time getting ready while everyone was faffing about. Being Luke's little sis, he ordered me to run along to the stage manager and tell him that the band wouldn't be on for another 10 minutes. But once I told him, I heard just how impatient and rough the audience was getting, and before I knew it the bastard had announced my name, shoved a microphone in my hand and pushed a very panicked me onto the stage in front of thousands of people.”
“Even if I had been given a million years notice, did a ritual dance and not even if I had screamed until my lungs gave out, i know that nothing could have ever prepared me for what went on in that five solid minutes, as I had stood under a blazing ‘one man standing’ spotlight.
My mind was blank, all I could see was a massive black space in front of me and if not for the shouting from the audience, I would have thought I was alone. But I was fucking not. One second I was screaming at myself in my mind to sing something and the next, the lyrics from Cher’s song ‘If I Could Turn Back Time”, made its way past my mouth, through the microphone and into the audience. “
Not even Kat herself could describe the amount of energy in the room, but she did manage to say that, “the whole place was buzzing and I was having the time of my life singing to one of my favourite songs and prancing about like an idiot while thousands of people sang it back to me while I enjoyed doing one of the only things in my life that I love to do.”
“When I was watching Paramore at the O2 last year, I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be singing on that same stage for real.”
Not even an hour after the gig had ended, videos had been put up on YouTube of my performance, potential mangers where ringing me constantly and the music business were knocking at my very own door. And after a very long talk with my family and a lot of mental preparing, I started the hectic schedule I am in today. Within the next couple days, a single was being mentioned and I was the most happiest, yet nervous, girl in the entire world.”
When talking with Kat, not many of us suspected that although the increasingly undeniable fact that she’s fast becoming everyone’s new favourite rock sensation- she still has been through many challenges which have influenced her to get where she is today. “Don’t get me wrong, I want this for me, I always have, but a big part of me wants to show those arses back home, who never in me, what they never gave any chance to see. I’m far from big headed but I like to believe that I have a purpose in life and i’m starting to get on with it now. Finally something I am doing for me for a change. This is what my single is about.”
Katherine Wild’s single, ‘Starting at the Finish Line’, feels like a long bloody waited song to have been released and ever since the young artist came into the business, almost everyone has been shaking in their seats with anticipation for this song to be out.
“My song shows how hard my short life has been and how up until recently I had never felt appreciated by others outside of my family. It’s about always feeling like you’re heading in the wrong direction and how you hate on yourself all the time for being lost. I had starting writing this song at the beginning of this year as I entered my first year of A Levels, and let me tell you, every day at least one thing (a snide comment about my height for example) always influenced me to into expressing my my feelings through lyrics. I show how it doesn’t matter what other people think, you should always believe in yourself and that it doesn’t matter how old, big, what race, height, hair colour or style you may have, at some point we all feel like we are starting at the finish line. Like we are always feeling wrong and that even through this, it is all okay.
This past month has encouraged me to believe in myself like I had never done before and see all the good things in me that I hadn’t seen before; I hope to inspire people in the same way. This makes it the upmost perfect time in my life for this song to be released”
This chat with Kat Wild has highlighted the idea that most people at 17 years old would be taking advantage of their fame, whereas Kat only focuses on her music.
“I want my music to be famous, not me. I have an idea of getting my lyrics to speak to people, I don’t necessarily want to do all the talking.”
“I’m fine with whatever people write or think about me,” she argues, ”as long as I am doing what i love and inspiring some people at the same time, my life will be complete.”
That’s the scoop.